Thursday, December 04, 2008
Its That Time of Year
Well, its that time of year again when we try to get a pictre of the whole gang to send out with the Christmas card. Adding another child has only made this more difficult. The only way to describe the event is... torture for all those involved!!!! It is sad when a picture is considered successful if everyone is looking in the same direction and no one is crying. I am hoping it will be easier in years to come. Here are a few of our attempts.

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Are those YOUR kids, Kim?? They're growing up too fast! It's funny how you can capture their personality even in the various snapshots you have of them on your blog. Life is NOT dull at your house, I'm certain. Hope you enjoy a great time with family over the Holidays. Hope you can beat Ben and Kelly at Euchre....good luck.
Are those YOUR kids, Kim?? They're growing up too fast! It's funny how you can capture their personality even in the various snapshots you have of them on your blog. Life is NOT dull at your house, I'm certain. Hope you enjoy a great time with family over the Holidays. Hope you can beat Ben and Kelly at Euchre....good luck.
I feel your pain, my friend. However, your group shot looks MUCH better than mine!
I think they turned out pretty well. Even if some of the smiles are fake, they are at least smiling! Too bad your flash shows up on the fireplace glass - that was a good one. I also like the ones of them laying on the floor - I saw them on snapfish. They are so cute.
Sarah- I know its hard to believe how fast they are growing up. And it is true, there is not a dull moment around our house... or a quiet one for that matter. Although, good or bad, I am trying to appreciate and savor every moment because I know they will be gone before I know it.
Kara- well, you do have one more in your crew than I do. However, the key to a good picture is a good camera that takes pictures really fast in hopes that you can catch that very short moment that everyone is looking in the same direction without anyone crying. Someone standing behind you entertaining them or promising treats afterwards also helps. ;)
They all look good to me! The one in the snow is really cool. What a beautiful background! I haven't even attempted to take a Christmas photo of Molly and Evan yet. I think I'm procrastinating because I'm dreading it! Just the thought of getting them dressed in something nice is exhausting right now!
You need to update!
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