Thursday, July 10, 2008

Two Weeks Old

Today Carson is two weeks old. On one hand, I can't believe two weeks have already gone by. On the other hand, its only been two weeks and I already can't imagine life without him. I love him so much. And I am still VERY happy that I am not pregnant anymore. Today was Carson's two week doctor's appointment. He weighed 9 pounds and 8 ounces. Everything was perfect and he is very healthy. It seems the two vessel cord caused no harm to my baby. Praise God!!!


Kara said...

Isn't it amazing how it seems like you have known that little person forever? He looks great, so happy and healthy! How are you doing with four, Kim? I still had the hardest time going from 2 to 3 kids!

Kelly Glupker said...

He has changed so much. In this picture he reminds me of Cole.

Gina said...

Glad to hear he's doing well! He sure is cute!

Kim said...

Kara~ I totally agree. I think going from 2 to 3 was the hardest. I think it is probably because we had our kids so close together, so when #3 came, my older 2 were only 1 1/2 and 3 years old... still quite young and needing a lot of help and care. Now the boys are older and are little helpers. We are adjusting well and everyone is doing great.

Amanda Irene said...

Praise God indeed!